MedPro Wholessale Marketplace
Buy Medicines in Bulk at best prices & get them delivered all over India
- 50k SKUs Available
- Products across Allopathy, Generics, Surgical, Ayurvedic, Specialty, and OTC are available
- 600+ companies /brands available
- Order here and get them delivered to Pan India

No more! Pharmapa is the one-stop solution for all your pharmacy needs.
Allopathy, Generics, Surgical, Ayurvedic, Speciality... everything!
- 50k+ SKUs, 500+ Companies
- Timely Delivery of All Products
- Special Rates from Discounted Market
Smart Procurement
Virtual Inventory of all SKUs
(50k+ SKUs)
Timely Slot Delivery
Live tracking with digitalpayment
Primary & Secondary Market together
Cheaper procurement
Smart Store
Intelligent Product Exploration
5-20% additional discount
Medicine Catalogue
1 lakh+ medicines detailedinfo
Digital Footprint
Grow your business digitally
Orders Delivered
Medicine Brands